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화이트배드 린넨

Contract flow

Inquiry/Reservation for viewing


Tenancy screening

Sending contract documents and invoices



Move in



We accept inquiries by phone or email, so please contact us using the inquiry form. We will inform you about room availability, rent, etc.

*Business hours 9:00-18:00

Please let us know your expected move-in date and time, your desired room, etc.

Please note that when you apply, we will conduct an entrance examination according to our company regulations.Please send us the required documents by email.

[Required documents for tenant screening]

②In case of corporate contract

□Moving-in application form

□Tenant ID card

(driver's license, health insurance card,
(employee ID, etc.)

□Company information

□Copy of corporate registration


①In the case of an individual contract

□Moving-in application form

□Identification card

(driver's license, health insurance card, etc.)

□Company information for your workplace (if you have a company information on the web, the URL is fine.)


*If you are a foreigner, you will need a copy of your passport or alien registration card as identification.

・It will take about 1 to 2 business days for the move-in screening. Also, depending on circumstances, it may take some time.

・We may refuse to move in due to insufficient documents or the results of the tenant screening. Please note that we will not provide reasons for approval or rejection of the review.

・If the application details are found to be inconsistent with the facts, the contract may be canceled.

・After the review, we will send you an invoice.

If a contract is possible after the tenancy screening, we will send you a contract and invoice by email or post. Please check the contents and contact the person in charge if you have any questions.

Please choose one of the payment methods below.

①Bank transfer

② Online payment with credit card

​ *Please transfer the contract fee to our designated account by the deadline.

Please sign and seal the contract documents and submit them to us by the date of move-in.Please bring it to the local information office on the day you move in, or mail it in advance.

After confirming the contract documents and payment, the staff in charge will hand over the keys, explain the building, and check the room before moving in.

If you wish to renew your contract, we will respond by contacting you two weeks (or one month depending on the contract period) before the end of your contract. However, please note that depending on the reservation status of the room, we may ask you to move to another room or refuse to renew your contract.


Please contact the person in charge two weeks (or one month depending on the contract period) before the end of your contract.Our staff will check the room, so please let us know your expected departure time in advance.


If there is unpaid rent, or if there is damage to the room due to intentional negligence and repair costs are required, we will charge you for that amount (in that case, please sign and affix your seal on the "Settlement Form") .)

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